After 10 moths, we have gathered, thanks to the help of many people who have offered their selfless support, film of 55 children.
The countries in which we have filmed are: New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Hong Kong, China, Mongolia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, France and Spain.
Our purpose was to facilitate the children that we will meet along our journey to different parts of the world, with the necessary resources so they can make themselves heard and tell of their experiences, worries, happiness, dreams, plans or difficulties…
Translated by Hannah Norish within the initative PerMondo. Sponsored by Mondo Agit offering translations from Spanish into English.
Tras 10 meses, hemos conseguido, gracias a la ayuda desinteresada de mucha gente, grabar con 55 niños.
Los países en los que se ha llevado a cabo las grabaciones son: Nueva Zelanda, Singapur, Malasia, Tailandia, Indonesia, Laos, Camboya, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Hong Kong, China, Mongolia, Letonia, Polonia, Alemania, Francia y España.
Nuestro propósito era facilitar a los niños y niñas que encontramos a lo largo de nuestro viaje por diferentes partes del mundo, los recursos necesarios para que pudiesen hacerse oír y contar sus vivencias, preocupaciones, alegrías, sueños, planes o dificultades…